Larry Burk, MD, CEHP
6 min readSep 12, 2021

Early Treatment vs Stay at Home Until You Can’t Breathe

Short of breath in hospital on oxygen. Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Flavio Cadeginia, MD, PhD, is an academic endocrinologist in Brazil who took a team of researchers to the State of Amazonas in January 2021 to evaluate the situation in cities where hospitals were overcrowded with the gamma variant wave of the virus. Half his team was skeptical that early outpatient treatment could have any impact on keeping patients out of the hospital. Almost all the cities were running out of oxygen supplies including Manaus, the capital of 2.2 million.

Dr. Cardeginia encountered an unexpected anomaly in Coari, a small city of 56,000 where the hospitals were empty. He asked the health director for an explanation, but she was shy to reply in front of the group and requested a private conversation. She admitted that they had been giving Stromectol to the entire population for the past 2 months, but was afraid to tell him for fear of being accused of using an unproven treatment. His whole team became immediate believers in early treatment.

Similar stories about early treatment successes with Stromectol (brand name to avoid censorship) have been reported in other countries including Peru and India. In Peru, an army-led mass early treatment program, Mega-Operación Tayta (MOT), in the fall of 2020 resulted in a 14-fold decrease in excess deaths. When the MOT was canceled and a restrictive treatment program was instituted by a new president in November, there was a 13-fold increase in excess deaths over the next 2 months.

In India, Uttar Pradesh is a state of 241 million, 2/3 the size of the United States. A wave of the delta variant in the summer of 2021 resulted in 414,000 cases and 4,000 deaths per day. Five weeks after adding Stromectol to their treatment protocol there was a dramatic drop on August 5th to 26 new cases and 3 deaths. On that same day in the US there were 127,108 new cases and 574 new deaths where the use of Stromectol has been actively discouraged by the FDA and Tony Fauci at the NIH.

Following the lead of the US rather than Uttar Pradesh, the State of Tamil Nadu rejected Stromectol in May going on to lead India in death rate. This fateful decision was influenced by a Tweet from WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan against the use of Stromectol resulting in her being sued by the Indian Bar Association and threatened with criminal prosecution for each death. They accused her of furthering the agenda of the drug companies in protecting the EUA for their profitable vaccines.

More than 10 successful lawsuits have been won against US hospitals by Ralph Lorigo for prohibiting prescription of Stromectol to dying patients in the ICU. In January 2021 a judge ordered Rochester General Hospital to give it to Sue Dickinson, a 65-year old woman on a ventilator, who improved within 12 hours and was later released from the hospital. Eight other patients, including 81-year old John Swanson and 80-year old Judith Smentkiewicz, also made similar court-ordered miraculous recoveries.

Why would the CDC aggressively block the compassionate off label use of a “wonder” drug with anti-viral properties taken safely by billions of people around the world for the treatment of parasitic diseases and meriting the Nobel Prize in 2015 for its discoverers? According to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the CDC is considered a “captured agency,” a sock puppet for the industry it is supposed to regulate. Half of their budget comes from buying and selling vaccines making it the biggest vaccine distributor in the country.

The mainstream media propaganda campaign has been ramped up to absurd heights of fraud spreading fear-mongering misinformation about how overdoses with the horse de-worming medication are overwhelming the ER in a rural Oklahoma town. However, the Northeastern Hospital System — Sequoyah, issued a press release refuting the claim causing the Rolling Stone which propagated the story to many other news outlets to issue a correction/retraction labeled as an update.

The media frenzy came to a head last week when Spotify podcast star Joe Rogan had Stromectol prescribed by a physician along with other early treatments resulting in rapid resolution of his viral symptoms. He said he might sue CNN for “making shit up,” as the mainstream horse de-wormer backlash was fast and furious. Rogan speculated “the grand conspiracy is that the pharmaceutical companies are all in cahoots to try and make anybody who takes this stuff look crazy.”

Fraudulent propaganda debunking early treatment has not been limited to the media, but has tainted the most prestigious medical journals in the world. In April 2020, when Plaquenil was being touted as a game-changer by President Trump, the Lancet and NEJM published peer-reviewed articles warning of serious cardiac side effects which were retracted in May in one of the most shocking examples of academic fraud in medical history. Despite the retractions the FDA revoked the EUA for its anti-viral use in June.

The unethical demonization of Plaquenil has persisted despite mounting evidence of its efficacy in outpatient use. This brand name drug which is a mainstay in the treatment of autoimmune diseases like lupus is one of the safest interventions used by rheumatologists with the only concerning side effect being retinal damage after years of high dose therapy requiring monitoring by annual eye exams. Simone Gold, MD, JD, reported success in early 2020, but was banned from using it by her hospital.

An early outpatient multi-drug approach including Plaquenil and Stromectol with zinc sulfate, quercetin, and vitamins C and D has been advocated by Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, and dozens of other physicians. A review of the scientific trials of all the possible individual early treatments found Plaquenil to be 26% effective in comparison to 67% for Stromectol. A real-time online meta-analysis of 63 available studies also showed Stromectol is 84% effective as a prophylactic therapy.

Critical care specialists Pierre Kory and Paul Marik published a review of 18 randomized controlled trials of Stromectol in 2021 showing large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. It was a follow up to Dr. Kory’s testimony before the Senate in May 2020. These findings were confirmed in a 2021 meta-analysis of 24 randomized controlled trials by Theresa Lawrie, PhD, an evidence-based medical consultant to the WHO.

The results of these studies have increased the demand for actual human Stromectol prescriptions by an order of magnitude from 3589 per week in early 2020 to 39,102 per week in January 2021, despite the news being dominated by reports of people resorting to dosing themselves with horse paste. The trend increased exponentially to 88,000 per week in August even though many pharmacists are reluctant to fill them and physicians are being intimidated by the Federation of State Medical Boards and the AMA.

These actions are a violation of the Hippocratic Oath and the sacred principle of First Do No Harm as potentially lifesaving early treatment has been unethically withheld for the past 1.5 years resulting in 1000s of preventable deaths. There are now data-driven protocols for prophylaxis and early treatment, hospital treatment and long haul treatment that are updated weekly every Wednesday at 7 PM EDT on free public Zoom calls sponsored by critical care physicians from around the world.

These treatment protocols are of value to unvaccinated and vaccinated people alike, especially now that breakthrough infections are becoming much more common. In conclusion, this meme from last week summarizes the current situation best with a sports metaphor: “If you just got finessed into calling the medicine that won the 2015 Nobel Prize for its role in treating human disease ‘horse de-wormer’ then you need to sit the next couple of plays out.”

Larry Burk, MD, CEHP
Larry Burk, MD, CEHP

Written by Larry Burk, MD, CEHP

Holistic radiologist, Certified Energy Health Practitioner, author of Dreams that Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases

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